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Time: Set Up Guide

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR Manager Administrator ADU Manager

In this article: 

Step 1: Create Teams

Step 2: Work Profiles

Step 3: Add Employees

Step 4: Assign Managers

Step 5: Time Configuration

Time is a configurable solution, so you can make it fit with your business requirements and organisation structure. Below are our top tips for getting your account set up. They have been split into 4 key stages and can be done in any order, however, it's a really good idea to get everything set up before you add your employees. 

Step 1: Create Teams

The team structure identifies your reporting lines, which builds the org chart. Every employee can only belong to one team, however, they can manage multiple teams while being a member of a different team. This is mainly used by Managers who sit in a Management Team and are Managers of other Teams.

Go to Organization > Teams to create the different teams you'd like to have within the system. You won't be able to add the managers at this point, as you have not added your employees yet. You can do this later on. You can also correctly structure your Org Chart when creating Teams by adding the correct Parent Team.

Take a look at Creating & Editing Teams, Configuring your Org Chart and Deleting Users & Teams for more information. 

Step 2: Work Profiles

The Work Profile defines the working hours of your employees. Every employee must belong to a Work Profile, so you may need to create a few of these to cater for the different working hours. 

There are a few other settings which are catered for by Work Profiles such as auto-clock out and override. 

Go to Time > Config > Public Holidays to add any public holiday profiles. You can add multiple profiles if you have offices in different locations.  For more information about public holidays, check out the following article: Public Holidays

Now you can go to Work Profiles from the dropdown in t menu. You'll see there's a default Work Profile for you which you can open and edit. 

Use the Time Settings tab to determine the working hours for your employees. Create new Work Profiles for each scenario. 

For a full guide on how to set up your Work Profile, take a look at the following article: Work Profiles, Allowances and Working Hours

Step 4: Add Employees

There are 3 possible ways to add employees to the system. Manual Registration, CSV import or through one of the integrations with Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365. All of these give you the option to add your employees to the relevant team and assign them to the correct Work Profile. You can optionally enable their access to the system straight away, or at a later date. 

Manual Registration

The manual registration allows you to add Employees using a simple form. This tool is useful for importing a handful of users or new starters as a one-off. 

Google Workspace (G Suite) / Microsoft Office 365 Import

If you are integrated with either Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365 you will have the option to import users from your domain straight into the system. The wizard will take you through selecting Employees, Assigning Teams, Setting Work Profiles and Configuring the Log in. Use this option for adding Employees if you are integrated. 

You can find further information on this here: Importing users through an integration.

CSV Import

The CSV import enables you to add Employees to Appogee HR in bulk. Use this option if you have a lot of Employees to add at once for set-up purposes. 

There is further information on the CSV import in this guide: CSV Upload Guide.

Step 4: Assign Managers & Set Access

After you have added your employees, you can then set up the managers within each of your teams. 

To do this, go to Organisation > Teams.

Open each team and go to the Managers tab - you can then add the relevant users by typing their name and clicking the add button on the right-hand side. You can add multiple Managers to a team and set up an Approval Flow with single or multiple levels of authorization.

Remember to Save Changes. 

Step 5: Time Configuration

Assign Roles in Time by going to Roles & Access > Project Management. 

The Project Admin role will be assigned to the user who set up the account. Additional Project Admins and Project Managers can be added on the Roles & Access page. For a detailed overview of the Roles and what they mean, take a look at the following article: Time: Roles & Access.

Users with the Project Admin role will be able to create Customers, Projects & Tasks. 

Go to Time > Config to set these up. 

For more information about Projects, Customers & Tasks, take a look at the following article: Customers, Projects & Tasks.

If you'd like to track the Costings/Billings & Actuals of a Project, you may wish to set up Project Roles. This will determine how much your employees are billed for, how much they cost and gives you an understanding of the total Project Actuals. 

For more information and how to set up Project Roles, take a look at the following article: Project Roles

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