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Leave - Office 365 team calendars

We would like to have shared Office 365 calendars showing leave for teams/all staff.

16 people like this idea
  • Disappointing that the same functionality (sharing an ICS/ICAL link) that is provided for Google Apps can't be surfaced for Office365 so that we can have the same functionality

    5 people like this
  • We are a small company where everyone needs to be able to see what everyone else is doing.

    There's no way to get a whole-company view for normal employees in either the website, or via a team calendar.

    On this basis we can't buy the product, and it's very frustrating that it took so much effort in setting up a trial account to discover this fairly basic functionality is missing.

    5 people like this
  • It would be great if the My Teams calendar on the Dashboard could be integrated with Office 365 to provide a Team calendar in Outlook. Our staff aren't logged into Appogee all the time and need to be able to see easily who is out of the office on leave.

    4 people like this
  • This would be incredibly useful. We already have a shared calendar, it would be useful to be able to send the .ics to that calendar so everyone can see it

    3 people like this

    It would be great if the My Teams calendar on the Dashboard could be integrated with Office 365 to provide a Team calendar in Outlook. Our staff aren't logged into Appogee all the time and need to be able to see easily who is out of the office on leave.

    We had this functionality in GSuite, (we are just migrating over to Office 365) & can't believe this functionality is not available yet as Appogee states it fully integrates with Office 365.

    Please make this a priority.

    1 person likes this
  • Thank you for your suggestions and the support for this feature. 

    We would love to be able to implement this and are aware it's a very popular request, we're currently working on it and looking into ways of getting this rolled out, but at the moment there are some restrictions with the Office 365 API. 

    I'll be sure to update you as and when I can. 

    Thanks, Appogee HR.

  • Just to add to the list we would find this very useful enhancement.

  • We would like to have an integration with Office 365 to show Appogee team leave in Office team calendars 

  • We look forward to this being rolled out as we have moved from Google to 365 and are disappointed that we can no longer have a teams calendar with 365.

  • I am please to see this feature suggestion is 'planned'. There are other cloud-based HR solutions out there that allow a team calendar to be synced with/subscribed to by Outlook. The sooner Appogee can include this functionality the better.

  • Thanks for all the support of this feature. We are currently waiting for an update from Microsoft regarding the ability for us to create a team calendar - as soon as we have heard from them on this we will be sure to update you. 

    Appogee HR. 

  • It has been 3 years since this feature suggestion has been "planned". Can we please recieve an update as this is a vital feature for Microsoft users. 

  • Hi Madeline

    We've marked the suggestion as 'deferred' right now as we still have a limitation with the API that Microsoft provide us. Currently it is not possible to use this in order to create a group or team calendar. 

    This is absolutely something we want to provide to our customers however we are constrained by this issue. Our team will continue to keep an eye on Microsoft's product announcements and we will look into possible ways to achieving this without using the API. 

    Thanks for your interest in this feature - we do really want to get it rolled out.

    Appogee HR.

  • Hi everyone

    Thank you for your support on this suggestion - it's one of the most popular requests we've ever had! 

    There is still a limitation with the Microsoft API so we are unable to create the Team calendar automatically, however we are planning on implementing an ical feed that your users can subscribe to, which will show all requests in their Outlook calendar. 

    We're excited to launch this for you as we know it's been a long time coming. 

    Keep an eye out for our upcoming announcements! 


    Appogee HR

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