Access Appogee HR by going to There are three ways to log in - Email address and Password, Google Workspace (G Suite) Log in or Microsoft Office 365 Log in.
Team Manager Functions
As a Team Manager, you are able to access HR and Leave data related to the members of your team. Access to HR data is controlled on a field basis and is set up by the Admin of the system. Access to Leave data is set by role, you could be Reader Manager or Editor Manager. Managers with the Reader role are able to view and report on Leave data for members of their team, managers with the Editor role are able to make changes to their team members' leave data, such as allowances or request details.
Team Managers also have access to Reporting, as a manager, you are able to run a report which will reveal the data pertaining to your team members. Two Team Managers of different Teams could run the same report but would be given different results.
Basic Navigation
Once you're logged in, you'll be presented with the Dashboard, this is split into 3 sections - My Actions, My Teams and My Summary. Your actions are split into your Leave Requests and other Actions relating to Checklists or Company Documents. My Teams shows information about employees (use the drop down to switch between Teams) including any Actions they need to take as well as a summary of their allowances, and finally your Summary shows your personal content in the Year at a Glance Calendar.
As Team Manager you are able to use the dropdown in the Team widgets to change teams.
Employee Ribbon
At the top of your Dashboard is an Employee ribbon which defaults to you. When you change views in Appogee HR by using the left-hand menu, you will retain the same user in the Employee ribbon so you always know which employee you are reviewing information about.
From the Dashboard, you may access information about the employees you manage, by using the employee switcher in the top right corner. This powerful feature allows you to switch between users while you keep the same context within Appogee HR. If, for example, you want to review the Personal Information of each member of your team, you can select Personal from the main menu and then iterate through each team member in the Employee Switcher.
As Team Manager you are able to view the members of the team(s) you manage in the Employee Switcher.
Employee Directory
The Directory is where you can find other employees in your organisation. As HR Manager, you are able to configure up to two more custom columns on the Directory. For more information see here: Employee Directory.
You can also view your employees by Team. This shows you their name, job title, how long they've been in their role and their bio. Employee bios can be configured on their Personal page.
The Organization chart is built up from the Team profiles where they define the Parent Team. Click Show Members to view all employees.
Company Documents
Any Company Document that has been made visible to you can be found in Company Docs. You can look at them by Company Document Type or see all of them in a list. The table shows you the read and edit permissions for these documents.
As a Team Manager, you may have the ability to upload, edit and manage Company Documents depending on the settings set by your HR Manager. For each Company Document, you can set up acknowledgements which can be sent to employees on a user or team basis. They will then be notified of any documents they need to read and acknowledge.
See the following article for more information on Company Documents: Appogee HR: Company Documents.
A Checklist is a to-do list which sets out a series of steps that will be required to complete a workflow process.
By creating templates for frequently used Checklists you can ensure staff can follow a consistent set of steps when encountering a situation they are not used to doing on a daily basis - such as hiring a new member of staff or carrying out a performance review.
As a Team Manager, and depending on your configuration, you may be able to do this for employees you manage.
Actions & Notifications
Actions and Notifications can be viewed on the Dashboard, or alternatively in the Alerts Panel from anywhere in the system.
You can complete the action by clicking the button and notifications can be dismissed using the red cross button.
If you have Appogee HR, you're very likely to have access to Leave too, for instructions on how to use this, please see the following Team Manager User Guide.