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Employee Numbers - Backfill Tool

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR ManagerAdministrator ADU Manager

About the Tool

The Employee Numbers Backfill Tool will allow you to allocate Employee Numbers to your employees. For more information about Employee Numbers, please read the following article: Employee Numbers.

The Backfill Tool is designed to assist customers who were using Appogee HR before the Employee Number update was launched (this article is only relevant if you have employees which don't already have Employee Numbers). 

Once all employees have a number assigned to them, the Backfill Tool will no longer be available. 

Running the Tool

Before you use the Backfill Tool, you must review the Employee Numbers Config by going to Organization > Config > Employee Numbers.

Once you are happy with the configuration, go to Organization > Config > Employee Number Backfill.

The first step is to confirm that you have reviewed the configuration options. Tick the box to continue. 

Step 2 is to configure the Options, please read through this page carefully as any changes made using the Backfill Tool cannot be reversed.

Sequential Number Allocation

This section allows you to determine in which order the Employee Numbers will be applied, if you have selected sequential number allocation. You can choose whether to allocate the numbers based on the Employee Creation Date (when the employees were added to Appogee HR) or the Employee Start Date. 

If you choose to allocate the numbers based on Employee Start Date, please ensure these are populated, any missing Start Dates will revert to Create Date order. 

Archived Employees

Choose whether to backfill employee numbers for archived employees. This is recommended if you use sequential numbering as it will keep the sequence in the correct order based on archived employee start or create dates. 

Existing Employee Numbers

The tool can optionally update existing employee numbers, so that all numbers have a consistent format based on the config from step 1. 

Take No Action

If you do not want the Backfill Tool to update current employee numbers, choose this option


If you would like to update current employee numbers to adhere with the new configuration options, choose this option. 

For example, if the minimum length is 4, then an employee number of '47' will be reformatted to '0047'.


If you would like to overwrite all employee numbers and use the tool to reallocate numbers from scratch, chose this option. 

Step 3 lets you preview your changes - this page will show up to 50 employees, to view all impacted employees click the Download button. 

The warning on this page is to let you know that the numbers may change between the preview page and the actual update. This could be due to new employees being added by another user while you use the tool, or when random number allocation is selected. 

Once you are happy with the update, click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page. Note, this cannot be undone


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