In this article:
Configuring Goals
To manage the company wide settings in Goals, go to Goals > Config.
You'll see the config is split into 4 sections - Creation & Approval Goal Visibility, Tasks and Auto Lock/Archive.
Creation & Approval
For each Goal type - Company, Team & Personal - you can decide which roles are able to create Goals as well as choose if they require an approval.
If you select 'Require Goal Approval', at least 1 role will need to be set as required.
If a Goal has multiple Required Approvers, they will all need to approve the Goal before it changes status.
If you set the Goal to not require approval, the approvals column will disappear.
Goal Visibility
Goals visibility is set up at the point of creating a Goal and can be changed using the Share button.
The Goal Visibility section of the Goals Configuration page allows you to determine the Visibility of Goals for non-collaborators. Users with the Goal Manager role will have visibility of all Goals regardless of these settings.
Tasks are associated with Goals and provide additional support for how you are going to achieve your Key Results. They are often short term in nature and can take the form of a to do list. Task progress does not affect Key Result progress.
You can set up Task statuses here and enable custom task types.
Auto Lock/Archive
Goals can be locked, once a Goal is locked you cannot make any changes to it, but it will still be visible on the Goals pages and Dashboard widgets. Goals can also be archived when they are no longer in use. These Goals will no longer be visible in the Goals pages.
Use this page to set the number of days after the Goals have expired for it to be automatically locked and archived.