August 2019 - Release 15.13.1
- Changed checklist target to use name not email
- Removed listings for former employees in digest emails
- Added preview tab for acknowledgements to Company Documents and Employee Records
- Improved security handling of file uploads
- Enhanced ical support to include times for request details
- Provided time based password reset links to prevent occasional issues created by corporate deep packet inspections
- Updated public holidays for the 2020 UK Bank holiday change
- Reduced session timeout value to provide enhanced security
- Added rounding rule options for allowances
- Added a row to the user’s allowance table breakdown to show expired carry over
- Updated all approval emails with approve/reject buttons that open the request in the optimum mode
- Added “back to me” link for employee switcher
- Provided 2 addition widgets for Goals Insights: Stale Goals and Recently Updated Goals
- Improved error handling to provide diagnostic codes for support purposes
- When approving one request a link is available to take the user to other approvals if any
- Added ability to force absence requests to be booked in full days only
- Added ability to make attachments mandatory for selected leave or sick types
- Notification links updated to ensure they take the user to the correct place
- Updated the leave reporting of former employees for greater accuracy
- Extended the API to enable the creation of absence requests as well as updates and workflow actions
- Fixed an issue which prevented custom checklists from being auto-assigned
- Increased the maximum length for Onboarding messages to 2000 characters