In this article:
Within Appogee HR it's possible to set up different types of HR Notifications to ensure you're always on top of your people data.
For example:
- Notify payroll when an employee changes their bank details
- Notify a manager when their employees' work anniversaries are
- Remind an employee 1 month before their Right to Work documentation is due to expire
- Let HR know 2 weeks before a Performance Review is due
- Inform a Document Owner that a Company Document needs to be reviewed
This article will take you through the process of setting up notifications for 3 different features - Employee HR Profile, Employee Records & Company Documents.
Employee HR Profile
HR Notifications can be set up in the same place you would edit the HR Profile. This allows you to configure, add or edit fields and set up your notifications at the same time.
For information on how to configure your Categories & Fields, take a look at the following article: Categories & Fields.
To set up or edit your notifications go to Profile > Admin & Config > Record Categories & Fields.
Choose a Category to edit and click 'Configure [x] Fields'.
Alternatively, from the employee profile, click the Config button on the right hand side and then go to the Fields & Security tab.
Make sure you're looking at the page in Edit mode.
Within the table, you'll see a column for Notifications.
This will show you the number of notifications that have been set up for each field.
Click on the button to edit your notifications or to create a new one.
A dialog will appear where you'll be able to see any previously created notifications where you can edit, delete or change the status.
At the top of the dialog there is an New Notification button to create a new one.
This will open a further dialog where you can customise the notification.
If it is a date field, you can choose whether it is a Field Change Notification - triggered by the contents of the field being edited - or a Relative to Date Notification - triggered by a date occuring.
If you've selected a Relative to Date Notification, choose the date trigger.
Choose who to notify and add a custom message and click next.
You can optionally assign a Checklist to be assigned when this notification is triggered.
Choose whether or not you'd like to do this then click Create Notification.
This will add the Notification to the field. You can add as many notifications to all the fields within the Category you're looking at.
Once complete, click Save Changes.
Employee Records
Employee Record notifications can be set up against Records within Categories on the employee profiles.
You can set up notifications based on the Record Date or the Review Date of a record.
Employee Record Notifications can be set up in the same place you would edit the HR Profile. This allows you to configure, add or edit fields and set up your notifications at the same time.
For information on how to configure your Categories & Fields, take a look at the following article: Categories & Fields.
To set up or edit your notifications go to Profile > Admin & Config > Record Categories & Fields.
Choose a Category and click on its name, then go to Record Notifications.
Go to Profile > Admin & Config > Notifications > Employee Records.
If there are any Record Notifications set up already, you will see these on the table.
To create a new Record Notification, click the New Notification button where a dialog will appear.
Select whether you'd like the notification to be based on the Record Date or Review Date and what the trigger is and click Next.
Select who you'd like to notify and any additional notification message and click next.
You can optionally assign a Checklist to be assigned when this notification is triggered.
Choose whether or not you'd like to do this then click Create Notification.
This will add the Notification to the record. You can add as many notifications to all the fields within the Category you're looking at.
Once complete, click Save Changes.
Company Documents
Company Document notifications can be set up against Company Documents within Company Document Types.
You can set up notifications based on the Document Date or the Review Date of a Company Document.
Company Document Notifications can be set up in the same place you would edit your Company Document Types. This allows you to configure, add or edit Document Types and set up your notifications at the same time.
For information on how to configure your Company Document Types, take a look at the following article: Company Documents.
To set up or edit your notifications go to Profile > Admin & Config > Notifications > Company Documents.
If there are any Company Document Notifications set up already, you will see these on the table.
To create a new Company Document Notification, click the New Notification button where a dialog will appear.
Select whether you'd like the notification to be based on the Record Date or Review Date and what the trigger is and click Next.
Select who you'd like to notify and any additional notification message and click next.
You can optionally assign a Checklist to be assigned when this notification is triggered.
Choose whether or not you'd like to do this then click Create Notification.
This will add the Notification to the record. You can add as many notifications to all the fields within the Category you're looking at.
Once complete, click Save Changes.